desperately seeking content or contentment + metathots on blogs

anyhow, what is your plan today?
v says:
right now I am researching, at some point I will be going to billings to do some banking and stuff
R says:
hey - can I put this convo up on my blog? I haven't put anything on it in ages, and why bother 'thinking' and putting up content when you can reuse material?
v says:
R says:
v says:
my 15 minutes of fame I suppose
v says:
or two seconds of non-fame and slight exposure
R says:
don't allow yourself that kind of credit - nobody reads this stuff. I just wanted to try it to see if I could sustain it, and then it dawned on me that I don't have enough to blab about in writing on a daily basis so I just let it drift. some people do well with it. I suppose if you had a job that made you think and make pronouncements on social events etc. you might be more amenable to it tho.
v says:
true, and coversations are something you express yourself in all the time - so you might as well use them
v says:
blogs are very interesting
v says:
my firend pif has an interesting one
v says:
it started out as the daily rant that went with the song of the day to all his friends, now it is on a blog site
R says:
i think it depends on the person in terms of how interesting a site it - anyone can rant (at least I can...) but is that enough? some are a joy to read, but I often wonder how much spare energy and mental capacity you need to really populate one with engaging content. the crowbar site is one I like to read regularly tho. she's got good insights. []
v says:
pif site is quite interesting - he is funny and does more of the social rather than political insight thing.
v says:
its a very personal site
v says:
okay - must focus on research
R says:
yeah, I should at least go thru those motions today too...
v says:
R says:
v says:


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