A friend recently bought a used Canon 1000D / Rebel XS / Kiss F so her kids could try DSLR photography. The XS/1000D is an ancient (2008!) low-end DSLR with very simple features and no video capability, but its a decent starter body and dirt cheap now (<$100). The camera has developed the common Err 99 problem. You can shoot photos normally when its working. Generally, once you power it up, you get the the error 99 message (below) after the first shot. They would just remove the memory card and battery, reload and shoot normally until it happened again. I Googled the error, played around with the camera and replicated the error. Typically, after you switch it on and fire the first shot, you get the Err 99 error. By trial and error I figured out that just sliding open the memory card door and snapping it shut would fix the problem for awhile. I tried blowing some air through the memory card door micro switch at the bottom of the card door but there was no change. The ...
I am not a robot. But often, I wonder what that would be like for a day. I guess like anything else, it depends on the work.